奖学金 & 援助

强烈建议未来的学生填写联邦学生援助申请. 对于选择BAS GAI学位课程的学生,该过程的详细说明包含在下拉区域中.

学生也可能有资格获得一些国家资助的减免学费的援助项目. Eligibility for these programs will be determined at the time of admission (你必须先申请DSU). More information about these programs is available on the 密西西比崛起计划.

For information regarding 奖学金, visit the 大学奖学金 页面.

How to file for Federal Student 援助

All students are strongly encouraged to file for Federal financial aid. 这是通过完成联邦学生援助程序(FAFSA)的财政援助来实现的。. This is accomplished electronically through the FAFSA portal at http://fafsa.ed.gov/ Students should take care to note the following:

  • 确保输入的所有个人信息与官方政府文件上显示的一致.
  • Delta State’s Federal School Code is 002403 and MDCC’s is 002416. 学生必须每年更新他们的FAFSA,与大多数课程将采用的机构的联邦学校代码. 项目经理每年将为学生提供正确提交的指导.
  • 的 FAFSA will require financial information, 包括支票账户和储蓄账户的当前余额以及以前年度纳税表的信息. 强烈建议学生在开始申请FAFSA之前编译这些信息.
  • If students have completed their taxes prior to beginning the FAFSA, they should use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (IRS DRT) offered. IRS DRT将允许学生以电子方式将完整的税务信息拉入FAFSA.
  • 如果学生在开始FAFSA之前没有完成他们的税收,金额可能会被估计. 然而, 如果数量是估计的, proof or verification may be required by the MDCC and DSU 金融援助 offices.
  • 的 PIN serves as an electronic signature for the FAFSA. Students may create or request a PIN at pin.ed.政府. If a student lacks a PIN prior to completing the FAFSA, they will be prompted to apply for one when Sign and Submit 页面 is reached.
    Professionalizing the USMC GEOINT Workforce | 金融援助 20
    Handbook for US Marine Corps M2D GEOINT v20150421B
  • 联邦法规要求学生在150%的时间内完成一个本科学位的要求. For purposes of monitoring satisfactory academic progress within this 150% period, we have assumed that 130 hours are required for an undergraduate degree; therefore, 195个学时将构成攻读本科学位所允许的最大学时. 如果这些课程是完成学位所必需的,并且学生在195个小时内完成了课程学习,则可以获得最多195个小时的课程学习资助.

Step-by-Step: Applying for the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA)

1. 去 http://fafsa.ed.gov/ and click on “Start A New FAFSA.”
2. Enter your student information and click Next.
3. 单击“启动新的FAFSA”.” Note: If you have previously filed a FAFSA, you can click on “FAFSA Renewal.” This will pre-fill most of the questions for you.
4. Create a Password and click Next.
5. Complete the Student Demographic section, then click Next.
6. 输入联邦学校代码(三角洲州的联邦学校代码是002403和MDCC的是002416),并按添加. 在添加正确的学校(MDCC将是要添加的第一年的代码)后单击Next。.
7. Fill out the Dependency Information section and click Next.
8. 如果您决定成为独立学生,则不需要输入家长信息.
9. Fill out the Student Financial Information and click Next.
10. When filling out the Student Financial Information section of the FAFSA, you will need your prior year’s tax information.
11. 的 FAFSA will allow you to skip the Asset Information section; however, please do not skip this section.
12. Once all the information has been entered into the FAFSA, you will need to sign the FAFSA electronically and click on “SUBMIT MY FAFSA NOW.”
13. Once your FAFSA is completed, 教育部将通过电子或邮寄方式向您发送学生援助报告(SAR). 的 SAR is a summary of the information you provided on the FAFSA.

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Handbook for US Marine Corps M2D GEOINT v20150421B
注意:所有申请经济援助的学生都应该在MDCC和DSU收到FAFSA之前填写补充奖励信息表. This form is required for all students. This form, any other requested forms, may be found by following these steps:

1. 登陆tk3xv.qishengwuliu.com.
2. Click on QUICKLINKS at the top of the 页面.
3. Click on 金融援助 under Attending DSU.
4. Click on Forms button at the right hand side of the 页面.
5. 单击所请求的表单
6. 打印出来
7. 请填写
8. Fax it to 662-846-4683 OR scan and email it to finaid@qishengwuliu.com

Once all required documentation has been received by the financial aid office, DSU will review the financial aid application. Note: If additional forms are needed, the student will be e-mailed.

An award letter will be mailed to the student to notify them of how much grant, 贷款,/or work study they are eligible to receive.

If a student wants to decline part of their financial aid package, he or she will need to notify the Program Manager (cdsmith@qishengwuliu.com).

DSU strives to provide every student with the resources available for financial aid. Federal grants may be applied for through FAFSA. Students will need to meet certain requirements to be eligible for the grants.

Students must be aware that MDCC does not offer Federal student 贷款s. 学生贷款可以通过地方和国家贷款机构获得,以帮助他们支付这一阶段的教育费用.

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载和密西西比三角洲社区学院将在提交的两周内收到处理后的FAFSA. DSU和MDCC将审查这些信息并确定是否需要额外的文件. 如果是这样的话, 项目经理将通过电子邮件与学生联系,提醒学生邮件中有正式的请求,必须及时回应.

就业 & 订婚


Cooperative education is a vital part of the Center. 在地理信息系统与科学导论或遥感导论课程中,由教师确定有才能的学生. Students are then matched with sponsored projects underway at the Center. Student employees typically earn $8 – $10 an hour during a probationary period, but then are rapidly raised based upon their abilities. 一些学生在这里工作时的时薪高达17美元,管理着50万美元的预算!

工作环境提供了许多额外的奖励,因为学生在我们的生产实验室中分配了一个工作站, 给了他们设施的钥匙, provided access to all of our servers, 无人驾驶飞机, 相机系统, GPS设备, 和更多的. 他们被鼓励探索学科,并为分配给他们的项目提供创造性的解决方案. 他们也被允许保持灵活的时间表——工作是基于目标的,而不仅仅是打卡.


Students are also strongly encouraged to travel with faculty, become engaged in the contracting/RFP processes, involved in similar geospatial business activities. We will provide the opportunities. 这取决于我们的学生利用自己难以置信的广泛的机会.


该中心活跃在国际舞台上,我们的学生是我们在这方面所做的不可分割的一部分. Current opportunities include:


在毁灭性的山体滑坡袭击第比利斯之后,中心应邀会见了格鲁吉亚政府和国立大学系统的代表, 2015年的格鲁吉亚. A memorandum of understanding between DSU and Akaki Tsereteli State University (ATSU)是为了促进国际文化和学生交流计划以及合作研究和开发而制定的. 作为这个令人兴奋的新机遇的一部分,几个新项目正在开发中.


联合国灾害管理和应急反应天基信息平台 is an active partner with the Center. 我们的教师在老挝和越南的技术咨询团中担任专家,努力帮助这些国家发展在危机时期使用空间技术的能力. 此外, 每年都有两国代表参观中心并参加我们的培训和研讨会活动.


该中心的教师定期签约在阿联酋提供培训课程和研讨会. 高级学生能够旅行,并帮助促进课程作为助教.

日本, 澳大利亚, 新西兰

的 Center is an active Educational Affiliate with the Geospatial Information and Technology Association (吉塔). GITA has international chapters in 日本, 澳大利亚, 新西兰 积极鼓励学生参加GITA及其国际交流和实习项目.


USGS and NGA Center of Academic Excellence in Geosciences

Signature Program at Delta State


托尔伯特J. 布鲁克斯,导演





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